Day services for individuals with Intellectual Disability and co-occurring Mental Disorders emphasize coping skills and specific job skills required for their vocational day, competitive employment in the community, structured day service on site environment, or non-site based services in place of day habilitation services by being a participant in an integrated setting. Such services gain or regain independence to individuals, improve quality of their lives, promote mental stability through recovery from severe mental illness and set their goals in life.

Upon admission to any of the following day services, an individual receives a comprehensive assessment including career assessment to measure the aptitudes, abilities, temperament, work ethics and overall potential of the individual for community employment. With adequate training, the individual prepares himself/herself for employment in the community or at least progress in skills development. Individual will receive training for job-readiness, work tolerance, social skills etc based on the individual’s interests and preferences. Individual goes through the career path and receives supports in order to be successful in the future whenever placed in a job. Individual also receives education as to public entitlements and how these benefits would affect the individual while employed on a paid job. There will be opportunities provided to the individual to be knowledgeable of individual’s rights, responsibilities, community response to disability, impact over disclosure of disability to potential employers etc. With lots of preparation, individual now moves into one of the Day services: